ado net data access utility class for sql server

The business layer maintain… But it will generally not reuse a connection that is not explicitly closed. Take a look at these namespaces: System.Collections: and System.Collections.Generic:, how can we do it without using dictionary and using params to pass parameters,as dictionary takes larger space. The declaration for the SQL command parameters should look like this: Dictionary cmdParameters = new Dictionary(); The above code is saying I want to create an instance of a .NET Dictionary object where the key type is a string and the key value is an instance of the SqlParameter class. Here Mudassar Ahmed Khan has shared a tutorial that explains the SqlHelper class of Microsoft Data Access Application Block in ASP.Net with examples in C# and VB.Net. When I am executing the stored procedure GetCustomerList in the SQLEXPRESS, it executes successfully. While there are many code samples readily available to encapsulate ADO.NET database access, I prefer the simple, bare-bones approach that satisfies your requirements of a method that executes a query and another that executes a command. From MSDN: The connection is automatically closed at the end of the using block. what is BCL (base class library) or FCL (framework class library)? Applying Object Oriented Programming with C# The data layer manages the physical storage and retrieval of data 2. I am a .NET developer and I typically write applications that use a SQL Server database. Would you please explain how to temporarily close connectin and mayby disable ObjectContext while doing the Restore from backup. The SqlConnection in the ExecuteQuery() is not in a using because it has to remain open for the caller to iterate through the result set. Managing Databases with SQL Server Management Studio. Ritesh,computer science, this video will teach you how to connect windows form with database in,steps to use connection class with entire concept of … It provides data access to data sources such as SQL Server, Oracle and to data sources exposed through OLE DB and ODBC using ADO.Net data provider framework. The logic used: SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Restore Database " + dbName + " from disk='". Comments, improvements on this connection class much appreciated. Nice Article about adding parameters. So it is worth separating them from other source files. Compared with MVC, ASP.NET is now considered "classical". The Data Access Application Block is a .NET component that contains optimized data access code that will help you call stored procedures and issue SQL text commands against a SQL Server database. Database is controlled by Entity Framework. For more information, see Retrieving Data Using a DataReader. I don't know what to do with respect to entity framework. In ADO.NET, however, you need to use different classes depending on the provider you are using. Using Utility Classes for cleaner code. @Tobias: Certainly some conflicting information, as it also says on that same page: "If the SqlConnection goes out of scope, it won't be closed. my name is Duttaluru Vijay.i am working in Microsoft .net technologies since 2016. I use a Dictionary for the SqlParameters because in the event you have output parameters, it makes it a little easier to retrieve the SqlParameter in the calling code. ADO.NET provides many rich features that can be used to retrieve and display data in a number of ways. Can you provide an example of how to do it? The following is an example of an app.config file: The following are the main points about the app.config file: mssqltips is the name of the connection string; we will use the name mssqltips to access the connection string, Data source is the server name of the SQL Server database instance, Integrated Security=SSPI means we are using windows authentication to connect to the database, Provider name is the ADO.NET data provider for SQL Server. The GetConnection() method has the following code: public SqlConnection GetConnection(string connectionName){ string cnstr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[connectionName].ConnectionString; SqlConnection … I went back to my original code for this tip. ADO.NET is the core data access technology for .NET languages. I will assume that the reader is familiar with creating .NET applications using Visual Studio. Identifying C# source files containing database access statements (ADO.NET references and dynamic SQL) In a typical database-driven application, you may have up to 10-20% of files containing database related code (except batch processing utilities that may contain SQL code in every file). I tend to wrap the SqlCommand with a Using() also but noticed you hadn't... Good catch on the missing close. Here is the code to call the AddCustomer stored procedure:". hello ! Take a look at the. When you write ADO.NET code to access a database, you need a connection string to specify the database that you want to access. Updated classes as per Erik's suggestion. the number of rows inserted, update or deleted by the command, The SqlConnection and SqlCommand objects are wrapped with a "using" statement which ensures that the objects are disposed; the caller is not responsible for "freeing" these objects. ExecuteQuery not returning any rows. Copyright (c) 2006-2020 Edgewood Solutions, LLC All rights reserved The following code listings demonstrate how to retrieve data from a database using ADO.NET data providers. I can say from testing that if not explicitly closed, then the next open connection will open a new connection, not reuse the previous one. Developing applications for SQL Server usually results in a variety of access methods that the programmers use. As I see it I need two methods in the class: one that executes a stored procedure that returns a result set and another that executes a stored procedure that does an insert, update or a delete. Note that ADO.Net does keep closed connections around for awhile, to reuse for connection pooling. The ADO.NET classes are found in System.Data.dll. This is helper class I have written to retrieve data and execute CRUD operation on sql server database either using queries or stored procedures. Use the Microsoft.Data.SqlClient namespace to access SQL Server, or providers from other suppliers to access their stores. Most of these classes map closely to basic data access concepts such as the Connection to the database, a Query, and QueryResults. Integrated Security=SSPI means we are using windows authentication to connect to the database. To keep the code as simple as possible, there is no exception handling shown. Course Duration: 3 Days But I am having 6 rows in database. Using the new SQLCLR feature, managed code can use ADO.NET when running inside SQL Server 2005. The ExeuteCommand() method has the following code: The main points about the ExecuteCommand() method are: Calls the GetConnection() method to open a database connection; the using construct is used to close the database connection automatically, Creates a SqlCommand object from the Connection and sets the CommandType and CommandText properties, Calls the SqlCommand ExecuteNonQuery method to call the stored procedure; the return value is the number of rows affected; e.g. The MSDN Best Practices for Using ADO.NET says "automatically calls Dispose". is NOT correct and should be deleted; maybe this is your problem? I will use a class library project named DataAccessUtility to implement the database access utility class. UniCommand - Executes SQL statements and stored procedures at database, and exposes parameters. Layered application designs are extremely popular because they increase application performance, scalability, flexibility, code reuse, and have a myriad of other benefits that I could rattle off if I had all of the architectural buzzwords memorized. Managed Data Access Inside SQL Server with ADO.NET and SQLCLR. it will return the first row and first column value of the query result, the given below static SqlExecuteDataTable() function will return the data table and it is depending on passing queries, the static AppendWhereClause() function will the appending the where clause to passing query, for more data access utility class for SQL server, powered by Tutorials Helper - Free, simple SQL Server monitoring utility. Also I noticed that you wrapped the SqlConnection in the ExecuteCommand() with a Using() but not in the ExecuteQuery()... was there a reason for doing it this way? ADO.NET is made of a set of classes that are used for connecting to a database and providing access to relational, XML or application data. how to upload files in core using web API, Crud operation in core using entity framework core code first. You used to use the same Connection class with SQL Server, Access and Oracle. ADO.NET is the next evolutionary step in data access technology. The truth is that Entity Framework is slower than using ADO.NET directly. The GetConnection() method has the following code: The main points about the GetConnection() method are: Reads the connection string from the app.config (or web.config) file, Creates an instance of a SqlConnection object passing the connection string into the constructor, Calls the Open() method on the SqlConnection object which "opens" a database connection, Returns the SqlConnection object to the caller. © 2019 Tutorials Helper. please explain and add comments to your code! Progress DataDirect offers the only 100% managed code ADO.NET data providers for … My understanding is that System.Data.SqlClient is one of the very few .NET classes where .Close and .Dispose actually have different behaviours. Before I get to reviewing the code in the methods, here are a couple of things that need to be done: Add a reference to System.Configuration to the class library project; I need this to access the connection string in the app.config file, Add using statements to the SqlDatabaseUtility class for the namespaces System.Configuration, System.Data and System.Data.SqlClient; I am using classes from these namespaces. By: Ray Barley   |   Updated: 2013-07-25   |   Comments (20)   |   Related: More > Application Development. Add using statements to the SqlDatabaseUtility class for the namespaces System.Configuration, System.Data and System.Data.SqlClient; I am using classes from these namespaces. Introduction SqlConnection in ADO.NET represents a connection to a SQL Server database. UniDataAdapter - Populates a DataSet and resolves updates with the database. Overview ADO.NET is the data access component for the.NET Framework. Entity framework is an open source object-relational mapping (ORM) framework which sits on top of ADO.Net and provides a much easier interface for working with the objects. UniConnection - Establishes a connection to the database server and begins a transaction. in this article, we will go through the data access utility class for SQL serverExecutenonquery helper class in Ado.netIn Ado.Net ExecuteNonQuery can return the number of rows affected and return type is int. The class should insert, update, delete, and retrieve information from the database. He asked me to give him an example on uploading and downloading files with SQL Server in ASP.NET applications. 2., Data Entry for SQL Server - building quick, efficient data input forms using InfoPath, How to Get Started with SQL Server and .NET, Working with SQL Server Stored Procedures and .NET. Use System.Data.Odbc or System.Data.Oledb to access data from .NET languages using other data access … Therefore, you must explicitly close the connection". Because of this you can now access Access data in an easy, familiar way. TAGs: ASP.Net, SQL Server, … The last line should not be there; i.e. By Bill Graziano on 31 May 2005 | Tags: Stored Procedures, .NET, CLR. To connect your application with different sources of database you need to know the right Data Provider. Database Utility Class Data Driven Graphical User Interface Applications using Windows Forms . other option is to create a SQL string **literal** by concatenating variable ( database name from textbox) inside your C# code and execute it See this microsoft support article for an example I receive Exception saying that database is in use. I tried to "Google" him a running example but I could not find one that he could simply download and run, so I created this example. Some names and products listed are the registered trademarks of their respective owners. Re: Monday, February 10, 2014 - 12:31:32 AM - Mani, You haven't provided enough code for anyone to figure out what's wrong, As I look through the code samples in the tip I find an error at "Here is the code to call the AddCustomer stored procedure:". The Access Data Provider has the same ADO.NET architecture as the native .NET data providers for SQL Server and OLEDB, including: AccessConnection, AccessCommand, AccessDataAdapter, AccessDataReader, AccessDataSource, AccessParameter, etc. There are core classes that make up dotConnect Universal. The Microsoft .NET Framework consists of ADO.NET which enables developers to interact with the database. I'm looking for a really simple, reusable class that encapsulates my ADO.NET database access code for create, read, update and delete (CRUD). Cconsumer applications uses ADO.NET to connect to these data sources and retrieve, manipulate, and update data. + dataDir + dbName + ".bak' with replace", cn); catch (Exception ex) { new FormMsg(MyKit.SetErrorMsg(ex), 4000); }. I think Dictionary is the easiest but there are many collection classes in the .NET framework. In fact, while I've been working with Entity Framework for some in-house software, I stillgo directly to ADO.NET for my websites. I don't know where it came from. SQL helper utility for Data Access Layer. ADO.Net Provides consistent way to access SQL Server database. The class library will have a single class named SqlDatabaseUtility with the following methods: GetConnection() opens a database connection, ExecuteQuery() executes a stored procedure that performs a query, ExecuteCommand() executes a stored procedure that performs an insert, update or delete. The class should insert, update, delete, and retrieve information from the database. SQL server database access helper class. One of the best I have found on the net till date. Wouldn't a Listbe more suitable? UniDataReader - Exposes and reads a forward-only stream of data from the database. In this tip I will review a solution that has a class library for the database utility and a console application that uses the class library. And I believe the difference is that you can call close more than once (with no exception), but if you call .Dispose more than once .... Boom! Active Data Objects are a collection of classes and interfaces that manage database access within the .Net Framework. And with ADO.Net connection pooling, calling another instance of your ExecuteCommand or ExecuteQuery will not reuse a recent connection unless the connection is explicitly closed. Here is the code to call the GetCustomerList stored procedure: Create a Dictionary collection for parameters; even though the GetCustomerList does not take any parameters, you still have to pass an empty collection, Call the SqlDatabaseUtility ExecuteQuery method passing the connection name, stored procedure name, and empty parameter collection, ExecuteQuery returns a Dataset which is a collection of DataTables, Get the first Datatable from the Dataset, iterate through the rows and print the column values to the console. in this article, we will go through the data access utility class for SQL server, In Ado.Net ExecuteNonQuery can return the number of rows affected and return type is int. ADO.NET is still there and still a valid choice when accessing a database from .NET applications. Connected classes in ADO.NET are designed to communicate directly with the data source. The ADO.NET components have been designed to factor data access from data manipulation. Here is a T-SQL script that creates a table, and two stored procedures - one that inserts a row and another that performs a query: Before I get to reviewing the code in the console application, here are a couple of things that need to be done: Add a reference to the DataAccessUtility class library to the console application; I need this to call the methods in the SqlDatabaseUtility class, Add a using statement for the DataAccessUtility, System.Data and System.Data.SqlClient namespaces, Create an mssqltips database and run the above T-SQL script in it, Put the connectionStrings element (shown in the Connection Strings section above) into the app.config file in the console application project. The Access Data Provider has the same ADO.NET architecture as the native.NET data providers for SQL Server and OLEDB, including: AccessConnection, AccessCommand, AccessDataAdapter, AccessDataReader, AccessDataSource, AccessParameter, etc. The SqlClient classes use the native SQL Server drivers to access a database, while the OleDb classes use the generic OLE-DB interface. 5. the given below static SqlExecuteNonQuery() function can accept the Queries only (Create, Alter, Drop, Insert, Update, Delete), Execute Scalar() Function will work for non-action queries and it contains aggregate functions. See my questions also inline code Thank you. For this tip I modified some code from a project where the SqlDatabaseUtility class implemented IDisposable and the close happened in the Dispose() method. Try running the SQL Server Profiler while you run your code. Employing the aforementioned ADO technology, ADO.NET expands this by incorporating XML into a standard model to not only the relational data models but also the text based XML data. @Mark I believe Tobias is correct - kind of. Choose the server name on which the SQL Server resides UniTransaction - Man… The following table describes those classes and their functions. Click on the New connection button; Choose the Data Source as Microsoft SQL Server; Click the Continue button. Dbhelper class for login and registration in C#, Crud operation in MVC using data table Example, Insert update delete in MVC5 using entity framework with SQL, core 3.1 crud operation with, Crud operations in angular 7 using web API, data access utility class for SQL server, What is Platform dependency and platform independency, angular 10 ngfor table bind the list of object. It is current to .NET 4.5.1, Visual Studio® 2013 and SQL Server® 2012. The exception to that is there is a timeout if the connection is not used or closed, it will then be closed. 1. Classic ADO was a generic object model. Take a look at SqlConnection.ConnectionString Property for the details. Because of this you can now access Access data in an easy, familiar way. In the classic three tier design, applications break down into three major areas of functionality: 1. I'm not sure why you are using a Dictionary to pass the SqloParameters since only the SqlParameter part is being used. The above code is an example of a very simple approach to calling stored procedures from .NET code. Since I have been using "MVC" for a while, I did not have an example in ASP.NET on hand. However, these newer technologies are based on ADO.NET. You do need try/catch blocks around your database calls. I pass the CommandBehavior.CloseConnection parameter to ExecuteReader; this will close the connection after the caller iterates through the result set. class implemented IDisposable and the close happened in the Dispose() method. with a correction on ExecuteSelectCommand() and an additional class which will instantiate command objs in "using" and pass data to the UI. But recently, one of my old colleagues was assigned a web project and his development environment was ASP.NET. In this article, we will learn in depth about SqlConnection class including what is SqlConnection, create a connection, and use SqlConnection in C# and how to use ADO.NET classes to work with SQL Server, MS Access, MySQL and Oracle databases. To save on connections and resources in your app, and reuse recent connections, you need to explicitly close the connection at the end of your functions. Next, you need to add the credentials to connect to the database . The ExecuteQuery() method has the following code: The main points about the ExecuteQuery() method are: Creates a Dataset that will be used to return the query results to the caller, Calls the GetConnection() method to open a database connection, Creates a SqlCommand object from the Connection, and sets the CommandType and CommandText properties, Adds any parameters passed in to the SqlCommand parameter collection, Creates a SqlDataAdapter for the SqlCommand, and calls the Fill method to execute the query and populate a dataset, The SqlConnection, SqlCommand, and SqlDataAdapter objects are wrapped with a "using" statement which ensures that the objects are disposed; the caller is not responsible for "freeing" these objects. That means before starting the coding … By re… I am trying to Restore database using the C# code. You can specify many more settings in the connection string than I have shown here. Developing Multi-Document Interface (MDI) Applications. Be sure to thoroughly document your coding, explaining what you did and why you did it. When a class library is compiled it generates a dynamic link library (.DLL) which can then be referenced from any .NET application. Provider name is the ADO.NET data provider for SQL Server. But it is best to explicitly close the connection so that it can be reused by the next query. ... Browse other questions tagged c# or ask your own question. I pass the CommandBehavior.CloseConnection parameter to ExecuteReader; this will close the connection after the caller iterates through the result set. the given below static SqlExecuteNonQuery() function can accept the Queries only (Create, Alter, Drop, Insert, Update, Delete)public static void SqlExecuteNonQuery(string sqlQry… There are several Data Providers in ADO.NET that connects with different types of sources. The course includes a major case study demonstrating the use of ADO.NET in a realistic setting. Una instruccion using si cierra la conexion, de hecho segun tengo entendido es una forma limpia de cerrarla, sin preocuparse por hacer un Close al comando. 3. You can see whether the stored procedure returns any rows. The issue is that this driver has slightly different versions on different servers and developer machines, while the package should be the same across the servers. With all the attention recently being given to Entity Framework and LINQ to SQL, we might sometimes forget about ADO.NET. You can specify many more settings in the connection string than I have shown here. Create database @t. You can't create a SQL database passing a variable using a T SQL statement unless you use dynamic SQL and execute using sp_executeSQL. It contains the parameters such as server name, database name, and the name of the driver. Nice article, Ray. ExecuteQuery() is not in a using because it has to remain open for the caller to iterate through the result set. Thank you sir. we want to access data via a SQL Anywhere driver. ProviderFactory Class. Anybody out there ever test this Or did you all just call .Close like I do?? However, you have left out the dbConnection Close() command. That part was somewhat confusing. The code in the tip Dictionary cmdParameters = new Dictionary(); IS WRONG. I've also experienced a few quirks … ADO.NET is a set of classes that allows you to connect and work with data sources like databases, excel file, access file, xml file, mysql, sql or notepad. Take a look at SqlConnection.ConnectionString Property for the details. Here is the code to call the AddCustomer stored procedure: The main points about the above code are: Create an instance of the SqlDatabaseUtility class, Create a Dictionary collection for parameters; it's like a name-value pair, Add parameters to the collection; parameter names must match the stored procedure parameters, Call the SqlDatabaseUtility ExecuteCommand method passing in the connection name, stored procedure name, and the parameter collection. ADO.Net Data Access Components (DAC) for Delphi is the fastest and most reliable database connectivity solutions for any database using ADO.Net technology in Delphi. In this section I will review a .NET console application that will access a SQL Server database by using the SqlDatabaseUtility  class. 4. For example: If you want to drop a database and it may be in use you can execute this command before tryiing to drop the database: See this for full details on set single_user: ADO.NET: Develop a database access class that updates a MS Access or MS SQL Server database. | Developing User and Roles Managed Interfaces and functions. The data is returned in a DataReader. Just having the connection object in a Using statement does not close the connection. SqlHelper class can be downloaded by downloading the Microsoft Data Access Application Block and it is a great utility that helps us to reduce ADO.Net code used in day to day programming. I will update the code in this tip to implement IDisposable. The version info, as found in machine.config is e. g. as follows: ADO.NET: develop a database access class that updates a MS Access or MS SQL server database. Would love your thoughts, please comment. 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