A global economy with U.S. imperialism at the hub The recent crash and the human cost The current situation — rocks and hard places Booms, busts, and capitalism’s inevitable decline Desperately seeking solutions, III. Looking at the struggles of workers and the specially oppressed around the world, one can see an upsurge by women remarkable in its scope and intensity, an Arab revolution that refuses to die, a renewal of class struggle through strikes from the U.S. to China — and much more that is hopeful and inspiring. PHOTO: POS. Exactly when is impossible to pin down — but it seems safe to say it will be sooner rather than later. To tackle the bad news first: mass dissatisfaction with the failure of neoliberalism to lift economic standards for the majority, together with anger at corrupt and repressive political rule, has allowed dangerous right-wing politics to gain a foothold in many places. Such a party categorically opposes capitalism and its every expression and provides the working class with consistent, knowledgeable and courageous leadership, as the FSP aspires to do. Mass strikes made up almost all of these stoppages, which resulted in wage hikes for enormous numbers of workers. While the class struggle has intensified, we are not at the door of revolution. But since 2019 we have had a fightback growing on an international scale – more combative and determined than anything we have seen in decades. Trotsky’s ideas live on in the CWI Eighty years after his assassination, the Committee for a Workers’ International (CWI) has published a collection of ten essays on the life and ideas of Leon Trotsky. During the political doldrums of the 1980s, the U.S. Socialist Workers Party (SWP) dumped Trotskyism altogether. So far, attempts by the federal government to crush the case have not succeeded. The quest on the Left for instant numbers at the expense of political principles has led some groups in Europe to take stands that concede to nationalistic fears and scapegoating of immigrants. This is one of our many recordings from the Revolutionary Ideas Online Festival, held on 28-29 November 2020. Healthcare, education, and vitally needed social services got cut to pay to rescue big business. Share Tweet Share. In the U.S., the twin parties of big business, the Democrats and Republicans, compete each four years to decide which one of them will get to reap the benefits from laying their hands on the levers of power. Elections are one cog in this machine. The language learning app that helps users with some beginner lessons on different languages in one of the most brilliant app ideas for 2020. Rising social movements are breaking out, and a new generation of disenfranchised youth is open to socialism as an alternative. And, despite what official statistics claim, employment still hasn’t fully recovered from the 2007-09 recession. ISO has roots in Trotskyism, although as part of the minority “state capitalist” tendency. But Trump has done no better at providing solutions, and voters will be searching for candidates in 2020 who seem once again to have more to offer. Education for newer party members about RW’s history and achievements is an important part of this. And a third cause is the fact that marginalized and abused groups have suffered serious blows and won few solid victories over the past period. Governments often help to rev up the economy by spending massive amounts of money on domestic projects like the New Deal of the 1930s and/or by going to war, with its guarantee of profits to be made through military production, the destruction of cities and whole countries, and sometimes rebuilding. In particular, this sector demands that Blacks who came to this country after the end of slavery — no matter how profoundly affected they have been by its racist legacy in the U.S. — be excluded from any benefits of reparations. Women are fighting back ferociously around the world, but largely within a reformist framework. January 15 marked the 101st anniversary of the murder of the outstanding revolutionary socialist leader, Rosa Luxemburg. Fictitious capital is the make-believe wealth of stocks, hedge funds, financial “derivatives,” etc. One factor is the widespread lack of class consciousness generally in the United States. For another example of news that isn’t as rosy as it first appears, let’s take figures announced with great fanfare for April 2019. This is a social layer of people who are not a class, which is defined in brief by whether you buy other people’s labor-power or sell your own. Barack Obama’s government bailed out the giant financial corporations with many trillions of taxpayer dollars. Forbes Technology Council. But revolutionary events, those that result in sustained transformations of society, are not made by strategic plan. Productivity is the ability of labor to produce more in fewer hours. China is in the lead, followed by India, the United Kingdom and the USA. Why does it matter now? It is a basis for division rather than building alliances. Furthermore, we have strategies and tactics for moving forward, from our understanding of the importance of the Leninist party to our commitment to building united fronts. Even in China, home of the “miracle” economy, expansion slowed, down from an amazing 14 percent in 2007 to 6.6 percent in 2018. Revolution 2020 is a three-day festival of Marxist ideas, hosted online and across Britain by Socialist Appeal on 23-25 October, with 20 sessions covering current events, history, philosophy, and economics. … They opened the spigots and left them running full speed for almost a decade.”. They are in the first ranks of defiance against extractivism, a term for turning nature into a commodity for sale and exploiting it without any restraints. May Day demonstrators in Indonesia confronted police who blocked their march to the national palace to demand higher wages. Even uprisings strong enough to topple governments, for example during the Arab Spring, dissipate if they have no clear roadmap for where to go next. Here opens the field of conscious revolutionary action, where foresight and calculation combine with will and courage. Bob Price (center, in sunglasses) with POS members and supporters in San Agustín Etla, Oaxaca, about 10 miles north of Oaxaca city. Working people everywhere are battling to survive: gold miners in South Africa; truckers in Portugal; automobile assemblers in Russia; bus drivers and factory strikers in Iran; maquila workers in Mexico. It’s the ratio of surplus-value to total capital investment. And we must let these friends and allies know that we need them! The real indications are that post-recession economic growth has peaked and is heading downward around the world. January 15th marked the 101st anniversary of the murder of the outstanding revolutionary socialist leader, Rosa Luxemburg . In India, women spearheaded organizing by Dalit sanitation workers. New Year Resolutions Ideas for Students. Today we face many problems, from epidemics to climate change. In the union movement, that can mean speaking up at every opportunity, making radical demands, connecting with other socialists, and pushing for more democracy. Nov 03, 2020 The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is looking for “revolutionary” research ideas that aren’t being addressed in current research projects. The main task of misleaders in the labor and other movements is to prevent a real confrontation between workers and their exploiters. All these developments are encouraging. What it doesn’t show is the role of the U.S. government, whose political and economic tentacles tie it to many of these conflicts, often as one of the causes. If RW’s role as a help to other revolutionaries is to grow, then RW itself must grow. Chapter 4 Section 2: Ideas Help Start a Revolution) Answer each question in complete sentences (1. This includes but is not limited to white supremacists and anti-immigrant crusaders in the U.S. and Europe; attackers of Malawian refugees in South Africa; and members of ethnic and religious groups who are violently suppressing minorities in their countries, such as Hindus against Muslims and others in India, Sinhalese Buddhists against Christians in Sri Lanka, and Buddhists against Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar. Part of Trump’s “America First” rhetoric has been to supposedly repudiate the global policeman role. The theme of ISM2020, Revolutionary Ideas, is a twist on Boston’s ties to the American Revolution. He is aggressively using tariffs, quotas and other restrictions on the imports of foreign competitors in order to protect home industries. “The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. In 2000, the allegedly independent Supreme Court installed G.W. Black activists have taken the lead in exposing the stark racial disparity meted out by the police and prison systems. He appoints open political toadies into powerful positions, not only in his Cabinet, but also in agencies and spheres intended theoretically to be neutral — notably, the judiciary. Identity politics vs. socialist feminism and revolutionary integration. Particularly in domestic policies, neoliberalism still holds sway. The stock market, though shaken several times by Donald Trump’s trade aggressions, was on an overall upswing. Crisis and Revolt: A World to Win will be the main rally at the Revolutionary Ideas Online Festival of Resistance and Socialism. ONGOING ARMED CONFLICTS AS OF NOVEMBER 2019, KEY TO MAP MAJOR WARS (blue) — 10,000 or more deaths in current or past year WARS (solid pink) — 1,000–9,999 deaths in current or past year MINOR CONFLICTS (medium pink) — 100–999 deaths in current or past year SKIRMISHES AND CLASHES (light pink) — Fewer than 100 deaths in current or past year. And half of all financial transactions are made in dollars. Here we have compiled a list of the 75 best business ideas you can start tomorrow. This means the party will have more opportunities to press these class negotiators forward while at the same time striving to break their hold on the movements. Of course, they’re not the only ones. For revolutionary feminism,racial justice, and working-class power. At the same time, we cannot throw ourselves into every single cause, no matter how righteous or pressing. These were the ideals touted by the rising bourgeoisie in its triumph over feudalism, embodied in the French and American Revolutions. Mainly, because of the tendency of productivity to increase. They are the power brokers, the sellouts, the labor lieutenants of the capitalist class. Schools, cultural institutions, the media and Internet — all totally regimented. However, bourgeois democracy only works if enough of the common people believe in it. The document that follows explores the nature of the global crisis, highlights the urgent need to find solutions, and offers conclusions about how revolutionaries can formulate, inspire, and lead toward a socialist feminist alternative. But all is not lost. As one example, scientists estimate that dozens of species are being extinguished every day, with terrible repercussions for humanity’s own survival. Young people achieved a ruling protecting the Amazon rainforest in Colombia. From their earliest days, Radical Women and FSP have also dueled with radical feminism and lesbian separatism, approaches which also reject solidarity on the basis of a common source of oppression in favor of narrow loyalties based on gender or sexuality. Plus, 2020 is a presidential election year. Given the havoc the far right is wreaking and attempting to wreak, repulsing them is obviously a priority. They have a world to win.”, World Relations || Inter-Imperialist Conflict and a New Cold War, Coronavirus || Socialists and the Covid-19 Pandemic • ISA, Covid-19: as virus spreads to the neo-colonial world, humanitarian catastrophe threatens, Socialist Alternative Issue 4 editorial: “the 2020s will be a decade of opportunity to change the world”, Colombia || New Waves of Protest over Police Murders, Crisis in Belarus || Lukashenko’s Throne Shaking, Lebanon || Mass Fury over Beirut’s Explosion Heightens Political Crisis, US cities erupt at the racist murder of George Floyd, US || Foresight 2020: Looming Political Storms of Capitalism, World to Win || China/Hong Kong Special! Our mission is to provide leadership in the struggles of the working class and subordinated people to help them break the chains holding them back. This period of intense polarization is one of peril and misery. Black women were in the lead of a 2019 student occupation at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore to protest racial profiling, a university contract with ICE, and the hiring of a private, armed police force. Oct 30, 2020 The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is looking for “revolutionary” research ideas that aren’t being addressed in current research projects. Identity politics has also become more and more an umbrella for bids to legitimize the reactionary chauvinism of those who are dominant culturally, racially, or nationally, and so on. Now we must gain the confidence and show the will to be movers and shakers in labor and the social movements, turning our ideas into action. But since 1997, it has again been falling. Meanwhile, some of the once-normal features of capitalism are changing in ways that expose its limits and harm workers. A spotlight was shone on domestic violence in the region, which is believed to host 60 percent of the killings of women by partners. They are heroically rebelling against established elites and repressive regimes in Syria, Sudan, and all points east and west, north and south. March 5, 2019: students in Melbourne, Australia, demand climate change action during one of several recent international school strikes. Share. Trump’s rise came as a shock to Washington and big-business insiders (although most of them seem to have adjusted nicely, especially given the lovely tax cuts). As Trotsky told students in that same speech in Copenhagen in 1932 quoted earlier: In order to sweep away the outlived social order, the progressive class must understand that its hour has struck and set before itself the task of conquering power. As a corollary, only those who belong to one’s own “tribe” need to be taken into account, listened to, worked with, or followed. While revolution here in the U.S. is not on the immediate agenda, it will come, because it is so badly needed and because no empire lasts forever. Indigenous women continue to play a heroic role in Latin America and around the world. Case in point: U.S. companies used profits to buy back their own stock to the tune of $1.16 trillion in 2018, “investing” twice as much in pumping up their supposed worth as they did in actual production. Making sense of today’s seeming chaos and finding a path forward must begin with a clear, hard look at the fast-crumbling economic foundation of society. We can take pride in the fact that so many developments today validate our ecosocialist, internationalist, feminist, and revolutionary integrationist program. Buoyed by Trump’s support, hardline Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has announced inflammatory plans for further annexations in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. As capitalism today finds itself overwhelmed by the COVID disease, early Soviet Russia, faced the […], Socialist Alternative England, Wales and Scotland is part of International Socialist Alternative, Issue 4 editorial: “the 2020s will be a decade of opportunity to change the world”. Today an even more favourable situation exists for the development of the socialist revolution in these countries than when Trotsky developed his ideas. It is the expression of the indomitable human determination to meet the challenges of capitalism in decay with courage and solidarity, however modest our forces at this time. Seattle City Council member Kshama Sawant of Socialist Alternative. So while stock markets hit new highs, the actual creation of goods and services is slumping in all the world’s major economies. The Left’s response to the crisis: down the reformist rabbit hole Running scared, moving rightward The far Left not immune, VII. We’ve stood up to and debated with cultural chauvinists of color throughout our history. And, in the long run, it can do nothing to reverse capitalism’s terminal prognosis. For example, Sawant voted with her council colleagues to approve a new, Black, female police chief, who was an assistant chief and then the deputy chief during the period when Seattle became infamous for police brutality and corruption. But we — humanity and the Earth we live on — don’t have centuries, and not many decades! July 4, 2020 Rebecca L. Spang. The pattern repeated in 2019 when the magnificent revolt in Sudan stopped short of overthrowing not only the dictator, but the system as well, and fighting for workers’ power. Panicked by a strong surge from right-wing nationalists, a large section of Podemos argued that it should appear less “left” to broaden its appeal. Garment workers are demanding paid maternity leave and sexual harassment protections in Bangladesh, while housekeepers in Hong Kong are pushing for a 44-hour workweek. Violent assaults on people perceived as Muslim or Jewish have escalated, as have attacks based on skin color, sexual orientation, gender and disability. Identity politics were around, and the FSP was critiquing them, long before the term was even coined. Why does the rate of profit tend to fall? In hard times, ultra-right kernels in society can begin to grow into a mass movement based in the petty bourgeoisie and led by a figure or figures with a Nazi-like ideology. (Think of the famous innovation of Henry Ford’s auto assembly line.). ¿Qué es el Partido de Libertad Socialista? This is what will draw people to us — while strengthening the causes we are part of. People need to aspire to new responsibilities and positions and be trained for them. This is what is so keenly needed to unite and elevate the many manifestations of rebellion into an unstoppable power for thorough-going change. Like SAlt, the International Socialist Organization (ISO) backed Ralph Nader in 2000 and 2004. In Southeast Asia, regressive and authoritarian elements are also tapping into collective frustration, especially among workers and small-business owners. Since his election, Trump has extended the parameters of executive authority considerably. The most critical factor in determining its success is, once again and still, the challenge of leadership. This is how we make our claim to be a vanguard party real and sustainable. By jumping on the bandwagon, these groups themselves moved deeper into reformism, rather than influencing numbers of people in a left direction. Like … And this means they can be argued with, held to account, occasionally pushed to the left, and sometimes worked with productively in the movements at the grassroots level. All that could be hoped for was a continuous effort to soften its blows. We have to show that it’s not only necessary but possible to bring an end to capitalism’s brutality and replace it with justice and equality. This is happening even in countries like Turkey and the Philippines, where authoritarian governments violently suppress protest. People search for a lot of New Year Resolution examples, however, many blogs fail to address what people are actually looking for.If you are a student, here are a few things which you must plan to do when this New Year 2020 starts. But the right wing is seeking to advance based on the same disgust and disenchantment with the status quo that is fueling working-class and progressive upsurges. But several victories have been scored against the Earth-destroyers, due in no small part to Native women’s leadership. People have become sadly familiar with the results: vast areas of land destroyed, local populations driven out, whole species extinguished. To call the Trump-Pence administration “fascist” dangerously trivializes just what is at stake. As socialists, we can defeat the capitalist counterrevolution. They do this by scamming voters with the promise of delivering real change. Instead, the middle caste is a group with a specific political role to play. Although opposition leader Juan Guaidó failed in this instance to gain enough support from Venezuela’s army to stage a successful coup, the threat of U.S.-instigated conflict remains. The planet and its people need our revolutionary optimism, VIII. Civil liberties and freedoms enshrined in the Bill of Rights took a big hit during the Bill Clinton presidency, and then a quantum nosedive for reasons of “national security” after the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. But in the U.S., as on the international scene, the people who are so passionately taking up causes are typically making only limited gains, despite some of the achievements noted in this section. Teachers in France, Germany, the Netherlands, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Morocco, Tunisia and other African countries have walked out for decent wages and for school conditions in which learning can flourish. (Note that this is a general trend, not a given in all times and circumstances.). The policy of neoliberalism, aka “free trade,” involves breaking down global barriers to the movement of goods and capital; intensifying the exploitation of labor; and privatizing anything and everything publicly owned, from education to natural resources. There have been many times in the history of the socialist movement when a sector lost confidence in the power of the working class to triumph over its rulers. The working class is linked across national borders, and its building of socialism can only be achieved on an international, unified scale. Most of the biggest capitalists survive the crisis and in fact make out like the bandits they truly are. By Brandon Morse | Apr 15, 2020 5:45 PM ET . The most recent and clearest move to the right came with the election of Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil, Latin America’s most populated country and the world’s eighth-largest economy. In the UK, Johnson’s bumbling has led to the Tory government limping from scandal to scandal in less than a year since the fanfare of the general election. Our aim is both to convince them of the validity of our program and to motivate them to work with us putting ideas into action as we build protests, united fronts, campaigns, and job actions. The uprising of the masses must lead to the overthrow of the domination of one class and to the establishment of the domination of another. Women are the mainstay of the international wave of teacher mobilizations. Longstanding mainstream parties, including the social-democratic reformists, are increasingly reaching out to smaller right-wing parties to patch together coalition governments. Adobe Stock. November 11, 2020 Mark Best, Socialist Party National Committee CWI Book Review: A revolutionary whose ideas couldn’t be killed. We have to make choices based on what we think will best strengthen the party and the class struggle. It represents an objectively conditioned element in the development of a revolution, just as a revolution represents an objectively conditioned process in the development of society. Workers are laid off and then can purchase even less. However, drought and desertification are also main factors forcing people from their homelands. In Poland in 2019, 300,000 teachers waged the biggest strike there in almost 40 years. Forge a left wing in labor and the mass movements by stepping up to leadership. One avenue for strengthening environmental struggles is to link them to other urgent problems facing working people, which many young climate-change leaders are doing. They seriously underestimated just how badly the Obama administration failed to satisfy the millions of frustrated and fed-up voters who wanted to break with politics-as-usual. But just as is true internationally, this is not a one-sided attack. Ideas 9 December 2020 George Orwell and the road to revolution Orwell wrote Animal Farm at a time of global crisis as a warning about oppressive state power. But if the necessary conditions for the uprising exist, one must not simply wait passively, with open mouth; as Shakespeare says: “There is a tide in the affairs of men, which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune.”, Lebanon saw massive protest against regime corruption during the fall of 2019. World to win will be sooner rather than building alliances local 10MD, Employees! Was a continuous effort to soften its blows, reformist betrayer of gives. Reparations, currently experiencing a revival, is putting a harsh public spotlight the... 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