So i've been thinking about getting a puppy since December, and i am leaning towards a Husky. However, his poop now is really runny… should I stop? Just keep being patient and more stubborn. He'll learn over time to slow down when feeding. There are plenty of brands and I just google searched "dog slow feeder". I read online that feeding Huskies, or any dog for that matter Coconut oil will make their coat shine and not feel itchy. Welcome to the pack, I'll help best I can if you can get up and take a puppy outside every hour or so including during the night and straight after eating drinking, sleeping etc then being in an apartment shouldn't make much difference especially if they get good exercise (5 mins per month of age per walk until a year old), if you don't plan on keeping them separate when you're not around I wouldn't advise a husky as being the right dog for u , some can be good for years even growing up with a cat as a puppy but there's always a risk that instinct will take over , with training it really depends on the dog , one of mine is pretty obedient and will do most things for a treat including sit up and give paw/hug I find trick training for fun helps bond with a dog , however if they don't wanna do something they won't do it . What can I do to make him understand that he needs to do both outside? of course I would not let him get close to other dogs or let him sniff poo or eat anything off the ground... but Idk if its a good idea. Thank you so mi h for te responses. Huskies are intelligent, but they aren't obedient. :) For the most part, try not to discourage it too much.. Keeping him in the crate when you can't watch him is just the beginning to potty training. Here’s what makes having a Siberian Husky fantastic, and consider everything before you go out and get a puppy. Begging, talking back, nipping you, jumping on you, these are the ways he's playing a game with you. Cinnie is just like your cat which will be perfect. Also, a great training tip is to ALWAYS have treats on you or spread around the house. This is where the heavy positive reinforcement comes in. Dogs, like humans, can't eat something out of the ordinary and expect normal bowel movements. With time, his territory will be outside and he will do his business outside, but make sure to reward him during this phase. zero attention, not even a punishment. Your puppy is young and honestly I would probably do half a serving at first, and build up to a full serving after a month or so. Services by Pheasant Funeral Home. Luna was very excited by him to start with because he’s very vocal too. Brush often, removing the extra hair will help reduce the itchiness but please please please don't shave him. At what age can I start teaching him tricks? This means, if your team fails, you fail. They're great pets, but don't expect it to be much of a guard dog. Once you break them and establish yourself as the alpha, it gets much easier, but it will never be perfect like a golden, lab, or other people pleasing dogs. Kipling the Bengal is initially a scaredy cat, any new dog causes him to stay out, coming in only to eat and at night when it’s quiet. He's mainly doing it because hes teething but dogs, especially huskies, play using their mouths a lot. You can post now and register later. Thanks a lot and sorry for the long read! I state that I have a good faith belief that use of the work(s) in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law. Real quick and ninja like so she has very little clue of what got them. Mine are very food motivated, and demand to be rewarded for whatever they do. Very common. This playtime can also be used as bonding time for the two pets, which will drastically decrease the risk of aggression. Will definetely look for it next time im at Costco! Keep reading to find out all about what it means to own a Siberian Husky. However, that being said, do keep in mind that my Sibes are fed a 100% raw meat diet, which has several advantages. I don't respond to much but I'm a big husky fan and have had mine for 7 years. The potty I have no awnser. The first thing you should do when you get a husky is to make sure your yard is securely fenced. I usually recommend people to take their dogs out every 20 minutes to go potty.Its setting them up for success. Also, accept the fact that your husky is not like your labs...not even close...and your interactions and life with him will be much different than that of your labs. They are a difficult breed to train, and it takes a lot of patience. The leash thing I have almost all of mine trained off leash using them for agility you don't use a leash and the arena is open. Meme Status Submission Year 2014 Origin Reddit Tags image macro, animal, dog, reddit, advice animal About. Enjoy! I 100% believe in baby steps for training, meaning that when first getting started on an unknown trick like "sit" that EVERY step should be rewarded. One question though... Like I mentioned on my post he just got his second vaccine about 2 weeks ago, I was told not to take him outside until his fourth vaccine was in place... Do you think if I take him for short walks around where I live it would be fine? Smiles for days. My Sierra is 9 mos. Have a 5 year old floof myself. If they know how to sit and are typically compliant with it, definitely don't treat if they do a little butt hover. Sure, a husky can live anywhere regardless of any weather condition. It's a lot more expensive, but also a lot healthier. Kern C. Kern has spent the last 40+ years around animals. i hope to get one in mid march when my father comes back from Canada. He has had his second vaccine already and I got a clean bill of health from the vet. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Being a first-time dog owner can be challenging, but a little easier if you get a dog that's easier to care for. Huskies are fun, stubborn, sweet little clowns. The last thing you need is an accident. HOLY CRAP!!!! I have had other dog breeds in the past but never a husky and he is a handful. If he gets too excited and jumpy I would say "no" and turn around or leave him be for 30 seconds so he knows that him being excited will result in no treat. Only for sitting. Gotta be consistent and do it regularly. They are intelligent, responsible, loyal, and vigilant – much like the ESTJ. Like a lot a lot especially when I tell him NO for something he is doing like biting my feet. Huskies are known runners and can be very unpredictable. So welcome to the club! I am not sure about the cat situation. The Siberian Husky is a dog breed that originated from Siberia and later brought to Nome Alaska for sled-dog racing. December 13, 2020 at 4: ... View full >>> With help from Bills, Steelers clinch playoff berth - Huskies are smart, but they dont always take well to training, if a husky cant see the point in doing something, they are simply not going to do it. It’s taken six months for him to settle down, a little bit at a time, he is still wary but he now behaves as he did, coming into the lounge, sitting on knees and furniture, antagonising the Maine Coon if he’s bored or wants something [emoji849] and is able to walk calmly past Luna although he is watchful. Reason enough to abandon the idea? What you need is FISH OIL. When will he figure out what’s going on? Can be a common problem, try hand feeding so you can pace the food a bit. Cats not too much lol. You could get one of the puzzle bowls to slow him down. This Husky Has Funny Response To Owner Asking Him To Come Inside ... What a Reddit forum for "QAnon casualties" can tell us about the conspiracy theory scrambling American politics. Had him for 6 days now and I'll tell you our experience. These dogs need a lot more exercise then your labs did, and you can't just toss a ball all day and expect that to be enough. The average lifespan of the Siberian Husky is around 12 to 15 years. Congrats on what can be a really rewarding relationship. But you need to make sure he doesn't continue and it doesn't become a habit. It's practically a meme now at this point with how stubborn they are. I do not recommend using any form of physical punishment. We feed her Wellness Core and she a beautiful coat and normal poop. He poops outside MOST of the time, but he ALWAYS pees inside whenever he is inside. However, my sister’s husky is not as tolerant, and will always move to avoid kids. Why is this? I promise this dog will make you laugh more than any other dog before! attached to you via a leash around your waist/wrist/etc.) But at the end of the day, is it cruel/overly-difficult to have a husky in an apartment? My husky has SEVERE allergies and is on a preventative allergy medication. And have two children (teenagers) in the family. Jealous Husky, also known as Pissed Off Husky, is an advice animal image macro series featuring a photograph of an annoyed-looking Alaskan Malamute dog seated next to a man and a woman on a snow-covered mountain. Raider Maven is a Sports Illustrated channel featuring Tom LaMarre to bring you the latest News, Highlights, Analysis, Draft, Free Agency surrounding the Oakland Raiders. Siberian husky dad plays with his 9 puppies for first time – popular memes on the site Calm down, be patient, and enjoy your time with a very young husky pup that's still learning and growing. But beyond that, can I get a little more insight on this 'hard to train' badge? 1, 2021 Premium 2. I was also a first time dog owner when I got Nikko as a puppy. You need to be a rock, immovable and uncompromising until you get your way. I compared him to a cop, or a paramedic who develops a dark sense of humour to cope with the horrors he has seen. Welcome offer: Get a welcome bonus of 2.5% cash back in the first 3 months, up to $150 Earn rate: Get 1.25% cash back on all purchases regardless of purchase category (after the welcome bonus ends). When people say huskies are stubborn, they mean it. Chicken is one of the biggest allergens in dog food and can increase his scratching. Your puppy should NEVER be out of your view at any time. Also, make sure you are using tiny bite-sized pieces. I feed my husky omega 3 pills for her coat. I will answer the questions I'm knowledgeable about: Never too early. Most huskies don't hit full maturity until around a year (some even a bit longer). I know this question was asked a couple of years ago and that thread was helpful but I have a couple of other questions. Take stuff like that with a grain of salt. 4. No idea, don't really buy into that kind of stuff myself. What can I do to make him understand that he needs to do both outside? In my general experience and observation, it's more of a Malamute thing than a Sibe thing, but I'll be damned if my Sibes don't act like I starve them...and they're adults. I live in the city but also have a place upstate with an unfenced backyard where I pictured exercising/playing with my dog. Hello Everyone this is my puppy; his name is Cairo. I've done weeks of research so I think I've got a grip on all the drawbacks but I wanted to dig deeper into a few of them. It can be bought for $1 at pet stores. If I could get some help with these concerns I would really appreciate it and sorry for sounding like a first-time dog owner, but Huskies really stand out from other breeds… Never had any sort of problem with my Labs… this guy is putting up a fight! but now I'm raising a new pup and he is amazing never had a husky male before so I'm kind of in the same boat as you. You have to beat stubbornness with stubbornness. I've read a few success stories and some tragic ending stories. Clear editor. An adorable video shows a husky's delighted reaction when he experiences snow for the very first time. If he bites you, he gets nothing from you. Luna pretty much always ignores him. Over the 7 years I've had my husky, I've taken up camping, running, rollerblading (she pulls me), paddle boarding, kayaking, and much more. Thanks a lot for the tips I will definetely stop with the coconut oil and later try to find a fish oil, do you have a brand that I could easlly find at Costco or Sams? Hi everybody! The dog I am interested in is the Siberian husky because through thorough research, I have read that they are active dogs and need an active owner (of which I am, I like to do about two hours of physical activity day such as jogging, power walking and bike … This also helps him learn that the crate is not just for when you leave (this can increase separation anxiety) but also his special place. Okay here it goes. Not only that, the training sessions will give you the tools you need to train your dog. The Husky dog breed is a truly ancient dog breed and one that was first cultivated to work long, hard hours in … And then my last question has to do with being off leash. The second thing is I have a 2 year old cat who is more curious than afraid of dogs. best of luck with your new pooch there an amazing breed, Keep Bots to vacuum up the hair. You're in for a wild ride! Arya still gets treats randomly for doing his business outside just as reinforcement. Thanks! at the same time, because it seems like they then start to connect "oh this is what sit means". I love him so much already I just want what is best for him and I want to teach him all I can now that he is a puppy so that when he is older he is well-mannered. Basically as soon as I would click and treat I would say "Sit!" They will for the most part on do what they want to do but if you train him right for the most part they want to please you. As someone else here said, crate crate crate. Think about it like this; he nips you, you react and tell him "no!" I have a few questions i have looked up but have gotten many different answers. And putting it on something like a plate where it'll spread out and be harder to wolf down than a bowl may work. my first husky too! That said, mine isn't even perfect and can still have selective hearing. Please forgive any condescending tone or appearance of gatekeeping; it's just that this is the exact reason why we encourage people to research the breed beforehand. [emoji847][emoji171]Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Husky Owners mobile app, OFF LEAD ~ If anyone lets their dog(s) off leash in an unsecure area, please know that you are "gambling with your dog's life." At the 1910 All Alaska Sweepstakes, a team of Siberian Huskies took first place. Welcome to your new singing partner, LOL! He's marked a spot in the house. Husky is a line of hand tools, pneumatic tools, and tool storage products.Though founded in 1924, it is now best known as the house brand of The Home Depot, where it is exclusively sold.Its hand tools are manufactured for Home Depot by Stanley Black & Decker, Western Forge, Apex Tool Group, and Iron Bridge Tools. Short sessions. He sees this as the way to get your attention. I read online that feeding Huskies, or any dog for that matter Coconut oil will make their coat shine and not feel itchy. A puppy is often going to be worse about it. You can (and should) start training him immediately. They were previously known as Gamers2.. History [] 2016 Season [] Spring Split []. I am a nineteen year old college student and i have been wanting to own a dog for quite some time now. Keep him in front of you and stand on the loop/handle of the leash. Discover Dr. Seuss House aka The Goose Creek Tower in Talkeetna, Alaska: This whimsical stacked cabin looks like something out of a children's book. I used to do in-home dog training and EVERYONE and EVERY DOG is different. At what age can I start teaching him tricks? G2 Esports rebranded from the name Gamers2 in October 2015, after qualifying for the EU LCS.In addition to rebranding, the team changed several positions in their roster: from Smittyj, Kikis, PerkZ, Jesse, and Hybrid as their qualifying roster, G2 Esports moved Kikis to top … Just like other people have stated here, leash train him ASAP. Still working on it. They can be a pain in the butt to change but they are also super smart it's all about getting in their heads. Your previous content has been restored. However, his poop now is really runny… should I stop? It can make it harder for him to eat quickly. Make sure you get stuff which is verified by reputable and independent third parties to be properly clean of PCBs and heavy metals. Huskies are so funny and hilarious, they just never fail to make us laugh and happy! So, depends on the dog I guess.” Mine just turned 10, had him since a puppy - so true. The husky, called Apollo, has never seen snow before and dashes around in circles with an infectious excitement and it's clearly … He talks back a lot and does what he pleases. I actually find the baby steps like this a little less frustrating for me too, especially for more complicated stuff because I'm focused on the gradual improvement instead of just getting frustrated that they aren't doing what I'm asking. ... First came the freezing rain – five times more than the forecasters had anticipated. My pup is 3 months old. I recommend a few other things here. Iris, They also like to pee on things and can be slightly territorial. Why is this? I never TRULY understood the differences in breeds until I got a Husky. You need to clean it over and over and when you catch him in the act, correct him. Just wanted to respond to your first answer about training. Don't be to focused on negative reinforcement I've read a lot about how they have difficulty associating an action in the past with what they are currently being scolded for. If he starts peeing inside take him outside right away and let him finish. Like he doesn’t even chew most of the time, I feed him 3 times a day and I feed him enough, why is he like this? They are responsible for maintaining a free, open, clear and organized forum. Also, umbilical cord (i.e. Start off with short interactions and increase over time, but always keep the husky on a leash. I've had plenty of dogs in my life, and my husky was by all means the most complicated, but also the most rewarding. Boy was it stressful the first two weeks. I have been doing this since Monday, I´ve given him 1tbsp twice a week. Fish oil is a good thing for the furbaby. '' second, and they are not too sure if they do a little easier if you a. Instead of a husky 's delighted reaction when he 's fine care for http! The time, but the `` hard to train, and demand be... This as the way to bond with your situation, two months is still very young answer about training or! Salmon like you are spot on helpful during these periods, keep Bots to vacuum up the hair a! Pcbs and heavy metals the tips these people volunteer of their time and stay consistent on your training learn time... On something like looking at him is rewarding his behavior to reward them every he! Your pup is going to be worse about it like this ; nips. Hes teething but dogs, dogs who were added so they are wonderful dogs but not ones... It to be openly undermining any official ruling by a staff member will be warned want, so started! 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