la porte isd open enrollment

Students recommended by school-day staff for academic, behavior, or attendance issues, will be given the highest priority for enrollment in the program. La cuarentena puede terminar después del día 7 con una prueba negativa y si no se han reportado síntomas durante el monitoreo diario. 6. The link to the CDC Options to Reduce Quarantine is provided below. Thank you for your interest in serving as a substitute for La Porte ISD. Estar atento a los síntomas hasta 14 días después de la exposición. Employee Self Service. Employment Opportunities. The district had engaged PBK Architects Inc. in June 2019 to assess the condition of facilities and help develop a long-range facilities -plan">master plan, in collaboration with district personnel. We do not accept references from relatives or friends. Running for La Porte ISD's trsutee Position 2 is Mason Peres, a 2019 graduate from La Porte High School who is a student at the University of Houston-Clear Lake. Substitutes are contacted on an as-needed basis; therefore, it is impossible for La Porte ISD to guarantee definite assignments or any frequency of assignments. The students sponsored were from Rizzuto Elementary in La Porte ISD and Pomeroy Elementary, Richey Elementary, and Jessup Elementary in Pasadena ISD. 2. Substitutes must understand that they have agreed to make themselves available to serve La Porte I.S.D. La Porte ISD uses the Anonymous Alerts system, which empowers students, parents, and community members to submit critical concerns related to incidents such as bullying, cyberbullying, drugs/alcohol, fighting, weapons on campus and other important or time-sensitive concerns directly to school administrators. 7. Watch for symptoms until 14 days after exposure. Usar máscara; manténgase al menos 6 pies de distancia de los demás, cuando sea posible; lavarse las manos y; evitar multitudes. Complete the ONLINE SUBSTITUTE APPLICATION. If symptoms appear, immediately self-isolate and contact your health provider. Earn a free associate degree through La Porte ISD's Accelerated College Education Program. La cuarentena puede terminar después del día 10 sin pruebas y si no se han reportado síntomas durante el monitoreo diario. ... 2020-21 Benefits Open Enrollment … Early voting for five run-off races continues for those in Houston's District B, Baytown, Humble, La Porte and Nassau Bay. Phone: 281-604-7114 2020-21 Benefit Enrollment Information . 1. With that in mind, La Porte ISD will be open on Wednesday. El enlace a las Opciones del CDC para reducir la cuarentena se proporciona a continuación. We are actively working with the Harris County Public Health Department and the Texas Education Agency (TEA) to implement best practices for LPISD. The link to the CDC Options to Reduce Quarantine is provided below. This shows how well this district prepared students for success, both in school and after high school in college, a career, or the military. Meet & Confer Committee. La Porte ISD announces 2020 Distinguished Alumni and Citizen awards La Porte High School student named as National Merit Semifinalist Anthony Sommer, who recently earned an AP Scholar with Distinction award, can now add National Merit Semifinalist to his list of academic accolades. Click here to log on to Benefit Solver for 2020-21 Open Enrollment TRS ActiveCare Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas, 2020-21 Benefits Guide Benefit Solver Log-in Instructions, Winter 2020- Employee Newsletter- English Winter 2020 Supervisor Newsletter- English Winter 2020 Supervisor Newsletter - Spanish Winter 2020 Employee Newsletter - English. Austin, Texas, 78701 (512) 463-9734 Five administrative positions will feature some new faces as of July 1, including two that are new to La Porte ISD. We apologize for any inconvenience. When the long-term assignment is According to the CDC, these options are available to individuals exposed to a positive COVID-19 case: After the quarantine period ends, individuals should: Detailed instructions are included on the application. That said, we understand that every situation is unique, and we encourage you to make decisions with your family's safety in mind. El enlace a las Opciones del CDC para reducir la cuarentena se proporciona a continuación. In accordance with the Texas Education Code, Section 22.083, La Porte ISD may obtain criminal history record information on an individual who has indicated, in writing, an intention to serve as a volunteer. Must have a High School Diploma or G.E.D. Texas Education Agency. We are an open-enrollment district, and welcome an opportunity to show you why La Porte ISD is … Long term certified substitute teachers in the same position for 10 consecutive days or more. Si aparecen síntomas, aíslese inmediatamente y comuníquese con su proveedor de salud. Ability and demonstrated aptitude in the instruction of students. Students will return to school on September 8 for face-to-face or virtual learning. Human Resources Specialist. Open Enrollment 2021. BCBSTX replaces TRS ActiveCare Aetna, which is the provider for the 2019-20 plan year ending August 30, 2020.       days of service per year as a substitute Teacher in La Porte ISD. A medida que nosotros continuamos trabajando juntos para frenar la propagación del virus, le pedimos que continúe utilizando el Protocolo de Autoevaluación de LPISD, que se publica en el sitio en linea de LPISD, todos los días y que no se presente a la escuela o al trabajo si siente síntomas. If you have never completed a volunteer application, you will need to create a new account. Click here to log on to Benefit Solver for 2020-21 Open Enrollment TRS ActiveCare Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas, 2020-21 Benefits Guide Benefit Solver Log-in Instructions, Job Listings Human Resources Document Library. Five administrative positions will feature some new faces as of July 1, including two that are new to La Porte ISD. La Porte ISD tiene conocimiento de que el Centro para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC) finalizó las Opciones para Reducir la Cuarentena para Contactos cercanos el miércoles, 2 de diciembre del 2020. English. If symptoms appear, immediately self-isolate and contact your health provider. Please go to our Job Listings page to complete an application for substitute positions. Level Four Long Term Certified Substitute: $280 per day. La Porte Independent School District Welcomes Volunteers. His … 3. La Porte ISD tiene conocimiento de que el Centro para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC) finalizó las Opciones para Reducir la Cuarentena para Contactos cercanos el miércoles, 2 de diciembre del 2020. All applicants must complete a Criminal History Record Information (CHRI) consent form as required by law under Section 22.08F of the Texas Education Code. Lok DJ, Lok SI, Bruggink‐Andre de la Porte PW, Badings E, Lipsic E, van Wijngaarden J, de Boer RA, van Veldhuisen DJ, van der Meer P. Galectin‐3 is an independent marker for ventricular remodeling and mortality in patients with chronic heart failure. La Porte ISD is aware that the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) finalized the Options to Reduce Quarantine for Close Contacts on Wednesday, December 2, 2020. Tina Pettis        completed,  you will return to original certified substitute level. School Progress measures how much better students performed on the STAAR test this year versus last year. Clin Res Cardiol. To help us correct the issue, please report this invalid link. 2013; 102:103–110. Thank you for your help in keeping La Porte Strong! La cuarentena puede terminar después del día 10 sin pruebas y si no se han reportado síntomas durante el monitoreo diario. Criminal information obtained is confidential and used only for the purpose of ensuring student safety. In accordance with the Texas Education Code, Section 22.083, La Porte ISD may obtain criminal history record information on an individual who has indicated, in writing, an intention to serve as a volunteer. Every student's success is our number one priority. La Grange ISD Safe Return to School Plan: Students/Staff/Parents School Year 2020-21 UPDATED 12/04/2020. (for clerical positions), 1. We are actively working with the Harris County Public Health Department and the Texas Education Agency (TEA) to implement best practices for LPISD. Traditional dual credit classes are also offered for students who want to earn college credits while in high school. Substitute Paraprofessional/Instructional Aides - $10.25 per hour. A medida que nosotros continuamos trabajando juntos para frenar la propagación del virus, le pedimos que continúe utilizando el Protocolo de Autoevaluación de LPISD, que se publica en el sitio en linea de LPISD, todos los días y que no se presente a la escuela o al trabajo si siente síntomas. La Porte ISD is aware that the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) finalized the Options to Reduce Quarantine for Close Contacts on Wednesday, December 2, 2020. If you have qualifying events during the plan year, submit change documents to the Payroll Office within 30 Days of the qualifying event. 1701 N. Congress Avenue. Home of the Leopards! La Porte ISD to be open Tuesday After consulting with meteorologists and area officials, La Porte ISD plans to be open on Tuesday. De acuerdo con el CDC, estas opciones están disponibles para las personas expuestas a un caso positivo de COVID-19: Una vez finalizado el período de cuarentena, las personas deben: Nuestros mapas de procesos y las guías de cuarentena se actualizarán y estarán disponibles en nuestro sitio en linea esta semana para reflejar estas nuevas opciones, de acuerdo con la nueva guía del CDC. Anonymous Reporting. Once your online volunteer application has been approved, your name will appear on the campus list(s) you have designated. ¡Gracias por su ayuda para mantener La Porte Fuerte! We are actively working with the Harris County Public Health Department and the Texas Education Agency (TEA) to implement best practices for LPISD.       must have 10 positive evaluations per year. Contact your ACE Site Coordinator for more information or complete a letter of interest at: LOI La Porte Elementary La cuarentena puede terminar después del día 7 con una prueba negativa y si no se han reportado síntomas durante el monitoreo diario. Angela Garza-Viator Channelview Independent School District Actively Engaged in the Future of Our Community Employee Forms. TRS ActiveCare Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas is our provider for major medical insurance for 2020-21 plan year, which begins September 1, 2020. All applicants must be fingerprinted prior to employment in order to be in compliance with Senate Bill 9. New Employee Orientation. If you have qualifying events during the plan year, submit change documents to the Payroll Office within 30 Days of the qualifying event. Use your full name including your middle name or initial;  Your name must match what is listed on your drivers license or state identification card. Ability and demonstrated aptitude in the interest of students. Every student's success is our number one priority. La Porte High School is 1 of 2 high schools in the La Porte ISD. Students at La Porte ISD will begin school as scheduled on August 19 with virtual instruction delivered by teachers who will work from their campus classrooms. Wear a mask; stay at least 6 feet from others, when possible; wash hands and; avoid crowds. Level Three Substitute: $135 per day If necessary, you may contact the campus secretary to confirm your volunteer status. We are actively working with the Harris County Public Health Department and the Texas Education Agency (TEA) to implement best practices for LPISD. La Porte ISD is aware that the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) finalized the Options to Reduce Quarantine for Close Contacts on Wednesday, December 2, 2020. Executive Director, Human Resources, Meagan Bergeron Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), Ley Familias Primero de Respuesta al Coronavirus (FFCRA o Ley). Wear a mask; stay at least 6 feet from others, when possible; wash hands and; avoid crowds. We are focused on delivering quality customer service and are committed to recruiting, developing, and retaining excellent staff. Space is limited, therefore not all students wishing to participate will qualify. La Porte ISD closed on Monday In an abundance of caution, and because of the uncertainty surrounding Tropical Storm Beta — La Porte ISD will be closed on Monday. La Porte ISD Academy of Viola DeWalt High School, Board Qualifications & Elections Information, Bond Referendum(s) - Agreed Upon Procedures, Nutrition Employee Schedules and Training, TRS ActiveCare Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas, Sixty (60) plus college hours and forty (40) plus days as a Level One Substitute, 4 year College degree and thirty (30) plus days as a Level One Substitute, College degree plus teacher certification and twenty (20) plus days as a Level One Substitute, Sixty (60) plus college hours and thirty (30) plus days as a Level Two Substitute, 4 year College degree and twenty (20) plus days as a Level Two Substitute, College degree plus teacher certification and ten (10) days as a Level Two Substitute. 6. Nosotros estamos trabajando activamente con el Departamento de Salud Pública del Condado de Harris y la Agencia de Educación de Texas (TEA) para implementar las mejores prácticas para LPISD. TRS ActiveCare Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas is our provider for major medical insurance for 2020-21 plan year, which begins September 1, 2020. A clear criminal record is a prerequisite for service in La Porte I.S.D. Our process maps and quarantine guidelines will be updated and available on our website this week to reflect these new options, consistent with the new CDC guidance. La Grange ISD . As we continue working together to slow the spread of the virus, we ask that you continue to utilize the LPISD Self-Assessment Protocol, which is posted on the LPISD website, each day and not report to school or work if you are exhibiting symptoms. 85 out of 100. It also looks at how much better students are doing academically at the district compared to similar districts. To maintain status at $135.00, you ELECTION 2020: Department of Homeland Security calls election 'most secure in … La Porte High School is a high school in La Porte, TX, in the La Porte ISD school district. based upon the need of their services. Watch for symptoms until 14 days after exposure. Thank you for your help in keeping La Porte Strong! La Porte, TX 77571 Phone: 281-470-5028 (Employment) Phone: 281-470-5186 (Jobline) Fax: 281-470-5007 Staff Directory; Civil Service Commission. Frequently Asked Questions. We are actively working with the Harris County Public Health Department and the Texas Education Agency (TEA) to implement best practices for LPISD. Completion of the online volunteer application at will serve as written intent to serve as a volunteer at a designated La Porte ISD campus and a release to conduct a criminal background information check. Nosotros estamos trabajando activamente con el Departamento de Salud Pública del Condado de Harris y la Agencia de Educación de Texas (TEA) para implementar las mejores prácticas para LPISD. Whatever your child's interest, odds are La Porte ISD has an offering. Usar máscara; manténgase al menos 6 pies de distancia de los demás, cuando sea posible; lavarse las manos y; evitar multitudes. Our process maps and quarantine guidelines will be updated and available on our website this week to reflect these new options, consistent with the new CDC guidance. After applying, the Substitute Office will review your application, check references and complete a criminal background check. La Porte ISD is aware that the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) finalized the Options to Reduce Quarantine for Close Contacts on Wednesday, December 2, 2020. This includes virtual and in-person classes, as all students and personnel could be affected by this storm. 2. We are actively working with the Harris County Public Health Department and the Texas Education Agency (TEA) to implement best practices for LPISD. 2020-21 Benefits Guide Benefit Solver Log-in Instructions Racial makeup is: White (50.5%), Hispanic (38.7%), African American (6.5%). When you've entered you desired search terms use tab to navigate through the available results and hit enter to open the selected page or document. Si aparecen síntomas, aíslese inmediatamente y comuníquese con su proveedor de salud. Physically capable of meeting performance responsibilities of the assignment. As we continue working together to slow the spread of the virus, we ask that you continue to utilize the LPISD Self-Assessment Protocol, which is posted on the LPISD website, each day and not report to school or work if you are exhibiting symptoms. Employee Benefits.      To reach Level 3 you must meet the following criteria: Positive rating on past performance for three or more consecutive years and provide 50 or more The La Porte ISD Human Resources Department is dedicated to maximizing the potential of all of our employees. UPDATE: La Porte ISD open on Wednesday Meteorologists and area officials have predicted that our area will most likely be spared of the floods that are forecast for parts of Houston (north of us). According to the CDC, these options are available to individuals exposed to a positive COVID-19 case: After the quarantine period ends, individuals should: Compare Details Jennie Reid Elementary has the smallest elementary school student body size in the La Porte Independent School District. La Porte ISD Academy of Viola DeWalt High School, Board Qualifications & Elections Information, Bond Referendum(s) - Agreed Upon Procedures, Nutrition Employee Schedules and Training, TRS ActiveCare Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas, Winter 2020- Employee Newsletter- English, Winter 2020 Supervisor Newsletter- English, Winter 2020 Supervisor Newsletter - Spanish, Winter 2020 Employee Newsletter - English. Five administrative positions will feature some new faces as of July 1, including two that are new to La Porte ISD. La Porte ISD is aware that the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) finalized the Options to Reduce Quarantine for Close Contacts on Wednesday, December 2, 2020. Fax: 281-604-7106. If you need additional help, feel free to call (281) 604-7115 or visit the Human Resources Department Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Certification Information Field Experience Classroom Observations, 2020-21 Employee Handbook  Employee Handbook Receipt. Human Resources Specialist, Aleida Ramirez Staff, faculty and community donations came in enabling the drive to fully supply 13 students with everything they needed to have a successful 2019-20 school year. Click on the volunteer application link (above). La Porte ISD 101916 INNOVATION DISTRICTS AF (LEGAL) DATE ISSUED: 7/20/2020 6 of 7 UPDATE 115 AF(LEGAL)-P The failure of a district of innovation to provide information required under Education Code 22.0832 (National Criminal History Record Information Review of Certain Open-Enrollment … ¡Gracias por su ayuda para mantener La Porte Fuerte! It's time to head back to the polls for some Harris County residents. The total minority enrollment is 58%, and 40% of students are economically disadvantaged. Click here to log on to Benefit Solver for 2020-21 Open Enrollment TRS ActiveCare Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas. De acuerdo con el CDC, estas opciones están disponibles para las personas expuestas a un caso positivo de COVID-19: Una vez finalizado el período de cuarentena, las personas deben: Nuestros mapas de procesos y las guías de cuarentena se actualizarán y estarán disponibles en nuestro sitio en linea esta semana para reflejar estas nuevas opciones, de acuerdo con la nueva guía del CDC. The $280 is retroactive after the 10th consecutive day. Organizational, communicative and interpersonal skills. 5. BCBSTX replaces TRS ActiveCare Aetna, which is the provider for the 2019-20 plan year ending August 30, 2020. Matagorda ISD has an enrollment of approximately 133 students, according to the latest data from the Texas Tribune. La Porte ISD to start school 100 percent virtually August 19. Students receive free tuition and books at San Jacinto College as they complete their associate degree while at La Porte High School. Clerical experience including typing, word processing and file maintenance skills. 2020-21 Substitute Handbook SmartFind User Guide 2020-21 Substitute (Map). Estar atento a los síntomas hasta 14 días después de la exposición. Please note that volunteer applications are purged annually; you must re-apply every school year. Must have completed a minimum of sixty (60) college hours. 4. La Vernia Independent School District trustees took a first hard look at an assessment of district facilities and a preliminary plan for improvements at a Dec. 7 workshop. where student success is our number one priority. If you are a LPISD Retiree and would like to become a substitute please complete the online substitute application and call the Substitute Office: 281-604-7114. 2020-21 Benefits Open Enrollment Notice. Must have 3 work references completed with email addresses on the online application. 4. La Porte ISD is aware that the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) finalized the Options to Reduce Quarantine for Close Contacts on Wednesday, December 2, 2020. 2019-20 plan year ending August 30, 2020 is completed, you may contact the secretary! And retaining excellent staff is 1 of 2 High schools in the of. To the CDC Options to Reduce Quarantine is provided below at how much better students performed on the campus (! Volunteer applications are purged annually ; you must have completed a minimum of (! Limited, therefore not all students wishing to participate will qualify the of. B, Baytown, Humble, La Porte Strong which is the provider for the 2019-20 plan year ending 30...: 281-604-7106 campus secretary to confirm your volunteer status dedicated to maximizing the of... Proporciona a continuación la porte isd open enrollment of ensuring student safety that in mind, La Porte I.S.D to maximizing the potential all. 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